Bloodfin Tetra Care, Feeding, and Tank Mates

The Bloodfin Tetra is a popular fish species that can make a beautiful addition to any aquarium. With its small size, vibrant colors, and easy care requirements, the Bloodfin Tetra is an attractive choice for beginner aquarists looking to get started. Keeping up with regular feeding and tank mates will ensure that your Bloodfin Tetra lives a long and healthy life in your home aquarium.


It reaches sizes between 1 and 2 inches. The bloodfin tetra has become a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts with its distinct red fins and sparkling silver scales.

The most attractive feature of this fish is its bright red dorsal fin, anal fin, and tail fin. This coloration varies from pale pink to deep orange-red depending on the age of the fish, but all adults feature some degree of red in their fins.

The silver body is decorated with dark markings along each side—a trait that sets it apart from many other popular aquarium species.

Bloodfin Tetra


The origin of the Bloodfin Tetra (Aphyocharax Anisitsi) can be traced back to the expansive Parana River basin in South America.

The Bloodfin Tetra is primarily found in the Amazon River drainage and its tributaries across Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. It is most commonly seen in calm sandy bottoms sheltered by dense vegetation or woody debris.

Described for the first time in 1882 by Alfred Edward Alston, Bloodfin Tetras were introduced to European aquariums around 20 years later. They are considered one of the easiest fish to keep as pets due to their adaptability.


It has a relatively long lifespan compared to other smaller aquarium fish species. On average, the Bloodfin Tetra can live up to 8 years in captivity if cared for properly.

This includes maintaining good water quality, providing them with plenty of food and supplements that contain essential vitamins and nutrients, and keeping their tank free of stressors such as overcrowding or aggressive tank mates.

These tiny fish are also quite hardy, which makes them well-suited for beginner aquarists who may not have experience caring for delicate tropical fish species.

Behavior & Temperament of Bloodfin Tetra

Along with their striking looks, these fish have specific behavior and temperament traits that owners should be aware of before introducing them into a tank environment.

First, Bloodfin tetras are generally peaceful community fish who get along well with other tank inhabitants. They can be kept in schools of at least six individuals but prefer larger groups of up to 20 or more for optimal socialization. They may even breed in captivity if conditions are right!

Bloodfin Tetra Care

The Bloodfin tetra is a peaceful, active fish popular among aquarists. It is ideal for those just starting with community fish, as it is easy to care for.

They are very active swimmers, so the tank should have plenty of open space for them to swim around in. To keep their coloration vibrant, they will require an aquarium with good lighting and plenty of hiding spots created by rocks or plants.

Bloodfin Tetra

Tank Setup

Setting up a tank for these enchanting fish is relatively easy if you do your research first.

When setting up a tank for bloodfin tetras, it’s important to remember that they are social creatures who prefer to live in groups of six or more.

It’s recommended to have no fewer than 15 gallons of water per group of 6-8 fish and ensure the pH levels are between 6 and 7.5 with moderate hardness. Aquarium decorations such as driftwood and rocks will recreate their natural habitat while providing hiding spots during times of stress or danger.

Bloodfin Tetras Tank Mates

Bloodfin tetras are attractive schooling fish that do best in groups of five or more. But what kind of tank mates should you keep with the Bloodfin tetra?

The Bloodfin tetra is known to be peaceful but active, so it’s’ important to introduce other species that fit this description. Good tank mates include:

  • Neon Tetra
  • Cardinal Tetra
  • Green Neon Tetra
  • shrimp
  • Any freshwater aquarium snails
  • Ember Tetra
  • Gentle Plecos
  • Catfish
  • Cory Catfish

When adding new species to your tank, make sure not to add too many at once, as the fish may become stressed adapting to their new environment.

Feeding Behavior of Bloodfin Tetra

Bloodfin tetras are omnivorous, meaning they will eat plant and animal matter equally. In their natural environment, they feed on small invertebrates, such as worms, insect larvae, and algae.

In the aquarium setting, they prefer live food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia but can be trained to accept freeze-dried varieties too. They thrive best when offered several small meals daily instead of one large one.


They have been bred in captivity for decades, providing a unique opportunity to observe this species’ mating habits and reproductive cycle. Breeding Bloodfin Tetras is an interesting challenge that requires an understanding of their natural environment and behavior in order to create the most successful tank conditions for raising fry.

In a well-maintained tank, adult Bloodfin Tetra typically begins breeding when they reach sexual maturity at around 4-6 months old. The female will lay eggs on plants or other surfaces throughout the tank, sometimes up to 50 per day! After laying her eggs, it’s’ important for the male to fertilize them as soon as possible for them to hatch successfully.


In conclusion, caring for a bloodfin tetra is a rewarding experience for aquarists of all levels. By understanding their natural habitat, feeding preferences, and compatibility with other fish species, you can provide the best possible home for your bloodfin tetra.

With regular water changes and monitoring of water conditions, you can ensure that your bloodfin tetras stay healthy and happy in their aquarium. Selecting tank mates carefully is key to maintaining harmony in the tank and ensuring that all inhabitants get along peacefully.

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