Do Mollies And Guppies Get Along? ( tale of Amazing Friend )

If you’ve ever wanted to know, do mollies and guppies get along in the same tank? Then this article is for you. The tale of the fantastic friendship between these two fish species will inspire you.

 Through years of observation by dedicated aquarists, it has been proven that mollies and guppies can coexist peacefully and become close buddies!

Do Mollies and Guppies get Along?

Mollies and guppies are two of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species. When considering the potential compatibility between these two peaceful fish, it is important to assess their natural habitats and understand their behavior.

A large tank is essential when considering whether mollies and guppies get along, as larger tanks provide more space for both species to coexist. Generally speaking, mollies and guppies are peaceful fish that do not tend to fight amongst themselves or with other species. However, it’s still essential to research their behavior before introducing them into the same tank.

Mollies and Guppies are both omnivores, meaning they can eat a varied diet of plant matter and small insects or crustaceans. In an aquarium with plenty of food sources, these two types of fish should be able to cohabitate peacefully as long as there is enough food for them to eat.

mollies and guppies can be kept together in most tanks as long as the water parameters are suitable for both species. However, they have different temperature, pH, and hardness preferences that must be considered when setting up the tank.

It is also essential that there are plenty of hiding places available so that both species can establish their territories within the confines of the aquarium. This will help prevent territorial disputes, which could lead to bullying or aggression. Additionally, ensure you provide enough space for each fish so they don’t feel overcrowded or stressed out by too much competition for food or shelter.

Do Mollies Hurt Guppies?

Do mollies hurt guppies? This is a common question asked by many fish owners interested in keeping these two popular species together. Mollies and guppies can live harmoniously in the same tank, but it should not be taken lightly.

The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the size of the tank, if overstocked with fish, and the size of both the molly and guppy. Mollies are known to be aggressive; they will often dart after and nip other fish with their sharp teeth. Guppies may fall victim to this aggression if they are small enough for a molly to swallow or if there isn’tisn’t enough space for them both in the tank.

Difference between Guppy and Molly

Guppies and molly are two of the most popular aquarium fish species. While they both belong to the Poeciliidae family, many differences between these two species make them unique.


One significant difference is their size; while guppies are small fish, only growing up to 2 inches in length, mollies can grow as large as 4 inches. This size difference should be considered when planning an aquarium setup, as both species require different levels of care based on their size.


Peaceful guppies prefer to remain in schools and feed off algae, insects, worms, crustaceans, and plant matter. In comparison, mollies are much more active swimmers who require a larger tank to accommodate their frequent movement.

They also enjoy eating various foods, including flakes, frozen brine shrimp, and vegetables such as lettuce or spinach.


Guppies have various color patterns and combinations ranging from bright yellows and oranges to blues and purples. Males, in particular, tend to be brightly colored, while females may have more subdued tones.

On the other hand, mollies have hues ranging from gray-blue or yellowish-green to black spotted patterns with shades of gray or brown.

Habitat and Tank Requirements

Guppies prefer warm water temperatures between 76-82°F, requiring a minimum tank size of 10 gallons or larger. They also need dense vegetation such as plants, driftwood, rocks, or other decorations for cover and protection. Guppies are active swimmers and prefer plenty of open space for swimming, with occasional hiding spots for security.

Mollies, on the other hand, favor slightly cooler water temperatures ranging from 72-78°F, but their tank requirements are more strict than guppies due to their larger size.

Guppies typically thrive in a 10-gallon tank with plenty of hiding spots, while mollies require a minimum of 30-gallon tanks to accommodate their larger size and more active swimming habits. In addition, guppies prefer cooler water temperatures around 72°F, while mollies like warmer waters closer to 78°F – making the latter ideal for tropical setups.

Both species need plenty of oxygenation and an adequate filtration system to keep their habitats clean and healthy.

How many Mollies and Guppies can live in a 10-Gallon Tank?

A 10-gallon tank can be an excellent home for mollies and guppies and is often a popular choice for fish enthusiasts. However, knowing how many species can safely live in the tank without becoming overcrowded is essential. Too many fish in too small of an area can lead to stress on the animals and water quality issues.

When deciding how many mollies and guppies to keep in a 10-gallon tank, you should consider the size of the fish, their behaviors, and other factors such as filtration systems, decorations, or plants. Generally speaking, experts suggest keeping no more than five mollies or six guppies in a 10-gallon aquarium.

Do Mollies And Guppies Get Along? ( tale of Amazing Friend )

What if they Breed in the Tank?

What if they were to breed in the tank? What would that mean for the inhabitants of the tank, as well as future fish owners? Although mollies and guppies can coexist peacefully, a breeding pair could disrupt an entire aquarium.

A breeding pair of mollies or guppies can quickly fill a tank with fry. Unfortunately, these small fish will compete with any existing inhabitants for food and space.

The additional waste from fry also puts strain on filtration systems, making them work harder than normal to keep the water clean. Moving some adult fish out of the tank might be necessary to make room for their young offspring.

Will Mollies eat Guppy fry?

Most adult mollies won’t eat healthy guppy fry living in a well-maintained tank. However, if there needs to be more food available or if the fry is weak and small, then there’s a chance that the molly may snack on them as an easy meal. To reduce the chances of this happening, feed your fish consistently and provide plenty of hiding spaces for young fish to avoid being targeted by larger ones.

Will Guppies eat Molly fry?

The answer is it depends. Guppies are generally considered non-predatory fish, meaning they won’t actively hunt down the fry of other species. However, if the tank is overstocked or there needs to be more food for all the fish, guppies may look elsewhere for sustenance – including molly fry or eggs.

Will Mollies and Guppies Crossbreed?

The answer to this question is: yes, mollies and guppies can crossbreed. In aquariums worldwide, these two species have been known to hybridize both in captivity and in the wild. The resulting offspring are usually healthy and colorful but not as hardy as either parent species.

Crossbreeding between mollies and guppies is relatively easy since they are both members of the Poeciliidae family. Each fish will produce a different type of fry depending on the species used for breeding; some examples are Balloon Molly Fry, Koi Molly Fry, or Endler’s Livebearer Fry.

Do Mollies And Guppies Get Along? ( tale of Amazing Friend )

Challenges in Keeping Guppies and Mollies together in the Tank

You are now aware of the compatibility of mollies and guppies in an aquarium. Do you need to be mindful of any difficulties when keeping these two fish together?

Yes, there are some difficulties you must consider if you want to maintain these two fish together.

Water Parameters

These two fish species belong to different families and have vastly different needs regarding water parameters. Guppies are from the cyprinodont family, whereas mollies are from the Poeciliidae family. This means that both species require other water parameters for their optimal health and well-being.


Compatibility is an important factor to consider when deciding if these two fish species can coexist peacefully. Guppies are freshwater fish, and mollies are brackish water species, making it difficult for them to share the same habitat.


Breeding is the main issue when it comes to keeping guppies and mollies together. If a female guppy is paired with a male molly, the two will breed despite not being from the same species. This can lead to hybrid offspring that may display characteristics from both parents and cause problems for other fish in the tank.


In conclusion, mollies and guppies can make amazing friends with the right setup. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can create an environment where these two species can live peacefully together.

The correct tank size, temperature, and food are essential to ensuring a harmonious relationship between mollies and guppies. With careful consideration and planning, you can provide a safe home for both species to thrive.

Related Questions

Can Guppies, Mollies, And Tetras Live Together?

Guppies, mollies, and tetras can live together in a freshwater aquarium. They all prefer similar water conditions and are peaceful fish that won’t bother each other. However, it’s essential to make sure the tank is large enough to accommodate them all and that the ratio of fish is appropriate for the size of the tank.

What fish can go with mollies and guppies?

Swordtails, platies, and corydoras catfish are excellent choices for tankmates, mollies, and guppies. They all thrive in similar water conditions and have similar dietary needs. Additionally, they are peaceful fish that won’t cause any harm to the mollies or guppies.

Can I keep two Female Mollies together?

Yes, you can keep two female mollies together. However, it is essential to ensure that their tank is large enough and not overcrowded. It’s also important to keep an eye on them, as they may become territorial and fight each other. Providing plenty of hiding places in the tank can help reduce aggression.

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Stressed out Molly – Signs, Causes, and Solutions to Calm them Down

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