Moon Jellyfish Care Guide | Everything To Know | Exotic Pets

Moon Jellyfish, or Aurelia Aurita, is a unique and captivating pet. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, from translucent white to vibrant pink and blue. Moon Jellyfish are exotic pets requiring special care for their health and well-being.

Prospective owners must understand the basics of Moon Jellyfish care before bringing them home. Proper tank setup is critical; they need clean water with a specific temperature range and salt concentration.

The opportunity for swimming should also be considered when choosing a tank size—the bigger, the better! In addition to these habitat requirements, food sources, including frozen brine shrimp, should be provided regularly.

I’ll respond to your inquiries on moon jellyfish. After reading this piece, we hope you’ll feel comfortable including these exotic animals in your conversation.

Facts about Moon Jellyfish

They are known for their maximum size compatibility, allowing them to reach up to 35 cm in diameter and still feel comfortable in their environment.

Moon jellyfish have an average lifespan of about 12 months, but some individuals can live for up to 18 months, depending on the water temperature and food availability. The sting of a moon jellyfish is quite mild when compared to other species, so they are generally not considered hazardous to humans.

Despite this, caution should be taken when interacting with these animals, as you don’t want to get stung by mistake! Water temperature plays a vital role in determining the health and well-being of moon jellyfish; they prefer temperatures ranging from 63°F to 82°F (17°C to 28°C).

Moon Jellyfish Care Guide

Can Moon Jellyfish Be Kept As Pets?

But can they be kept as pets? The short answer is yes! It’s possible to keep a moon jellyfish in the comfort of your own home with the appropriate setup. However, potential owners should conduct extensive research before committing since there are specific requirements for keeping these creatures happy and healthy. An aquarium with a filter system designed specifically for jellyfish is one of the most important components of their care routine. Temperature control and quality saltwater must be monitored carefully to maintain ideal living conditions for your jelly friend.

Learn About them.

Natural Habitat

The genus of scyphozoan jellyfish, found in the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean, has been making its way around Northern China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

These jellyfish have also been reported to be seen off the coasts of the Black Sea. This species of jellyfish is characterized by having a bell-shaped body and long tentacles that are used for capturing food and stinging predators.

Natural Habitat of Moon Jellyfish

These creatures have adapted to live in all sorts of different depths in oceans worldwide. In particular, they can be found close to shorelines or on reefs where there is plenty of food for them to feed on, such as small fish and shrimp. They typically spend their time drifting with ocean currents during the day before sinking into deeper waters at night when it becomes dark.

Size and appearance

The size and appearance of the saucer jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, is four-characteristic horseshoe-shaped gonads with spots and streaks of bioluminescence. This jellyfish is usually around 25–40 cm (10–16 inches) in diameter. Its color varies from translucent white or light cream to shades of orange or yellow.

The body comprises four horseshoe-shaped gonads, which may contain up to 150000 eggs each. These gonads are surrounded by an umbrella-shaped bell and eight narrow tentacles that aid them in swimming and capturing food. It also possesses spots on its transparent bell that emit blue bioluminescent light when disturbed in dark waters, making it look like a sparkling blue saucer under the sea at night.

The Lifespan of moon jellyfish

These beautiful creatures have an average lifespan of approximately two years, with some specimens living for far longer periods. However, the most common lifespan for moon jellyfish is just 11 to 12 months. This can be attributed to the fact that they are both carnivorous and planktonic, meaning they feed off other animals, and their environment limits their survival chances.

The short lifespan of moon jellyfish is not only due to their diet but also because they lack mobility and cannot move away from predation or adverse conditions. This means they need to remain in areas where food resources are plentiful and avoid predators to survive for long periods.

Growth Rate

This phenomenon has been causing alarm among scientists and environmentalists as jellyfish are often harmful predators in certain areas. Reports show that the growth rate of jellyfish populations has been increasing exponentially, particularly during spring.

The cause of this rapid population increase is still unknown. Some suggest global warming may be to blame or that changes in natural ecosystems caused by human activity could be leading to an imbalance among certain species. Whatever the underlying cause might be, it is clear that something needs to be done soon to protect our oceans from these invasive creatures before they become too abundant and pose a danger to our marine life.

Favorite Food

Moon jellies have become a favorite food for many due to their delicious taste and health benefits. These jellyfish are classified as Medusa, which is a plankton that can be found in oceans around the world. What makes them so special is that they are part of the phylum Cnidaria, with other organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, and tunicates. They feed on small larvae in the ocean and live down deep where there are enough nutrients for them to survive.

These creatures have been harvested for thousands of years by cultures all over the world, from Africa to Asia. Moon Jellyfish are often served raw or cooked with different sauces depending on what region you’re in. Their unique texture and succulent flavor make them a popular dish among seafood lovers everywhere.

The Way Moon Jellyfish Act

Moon jellyfish swim horizontally, keeping the bell closer to the surface. All the time, they can spread their tentacles over a large area, basically to catch food better.

The Way Moon Jellyfish Act

Aurelia Aurita has a minimal motion where it drifts typically with the current even while swimming.

Are They Toxic?

Are they toxic? Moon jellyfish are a common sight amongst marine wildlife, but how dangerous are they? We know that their fearsome stinging ability is enough to make even the bravest of beacers wary of entering the water, but what about the risk posed by these mysterious creatures pound in large numbers?

The fear is that if these jellies become too numerous, they could be toxic and dangerous to humans who come into contact with them. Fortunately, research has shown that although the stingers of moon jellyfish may cause pain and itching in humans, they are generally less toxic than other species – providing some peace of mind for those looking forward to their next beach adventure!

Aquarium Moon Jellyfish Care

Aquarium Moon Jellyfish care is a specialized and delicate task, but with the proper knowledge, you can create a beautiful, safe environment for these unique creatures. Moon Jellyfish are some of the most sought-after species in the aquarium trade due to their amazing translucent bodies, mesmerizing movements, and fascinating life cycle. Caring for them is essential to keeping them healthy and happy in captivity.

These jellyfish need specific environmental parameters that replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible. They require robust filtration systems, temperature control between 66°F – 74°F (19-24C), and adequate salt content in the water at 1.022 – 1.026 Specific Gravity (SG). They should have plenty of hiding places amongst rocks or decorations to stay safe from predators while they feed on plankton and other small food items.

Tank for moon jellyfish

Moon jellyfish tanks are becoming increasingly popular as a relaxing and visually appealing addition to any home or office space. This type of tank, specially designed with cylindrically shaped walls and right-angle corners, is the best choice for keeping these beautiful creatures healthy and safe. Not only do they provide superior water circulation, but they offer optimal viewing angles so you can enjoy watching their mesmerizing movements in comfort.

Unlike regular square-shaped tanks, with sharp edges and corners that can be hazardous for jellyfish, cylindrical tanks provide a gentler environment that protects them from injury. The curved design also allows installing more efficient filtration systems without sacrificing valuable space inside the tank. Plus, since moon jellies prefer cool temperatures, the rounded shape helps distribute heat evenly throughout the tank, making it easier for your pet jellyfish to maintain the ideal temperature.

Preferable Size

Moon jellyfish are among the most popular aquarium species due to their ease of care and mesmerizing movement. These jellyfish prefer to live in a tank size that depends purely on their size, with smaller moon jellies ranging from two to three cm in diameter and up to 15 cm when fully mature. Keeping a healthy balance of size, water temperature, and food is essential when caring for these delicate creatures.

Most novice aquarists prefer small-sized jellyfish as they are easier to care for. However, larger ones may be more appealing with their bright colors and graceful movements. Although enormous jellyfish require additional attention, they can often be kept in tanks specifically designed for the species and its individual needs.


Maintaining the right salinity, pH levels, and temperature balance in an aquarium is essential for any aquatic organism. In particular, moon jellyfish require a stable substrate environment to thrive.
This can be incredibly challenging to maintain when cleaning a tank due to the disruption caused by removing debris, water changes, and other tank maintenance activities.

Cleaning an aquarium can be tricky with moon jellyfish as they are sensitive to changes in salinity, pH levels, and temperature, conditions that may be thrown off balance during tank cleanings. To ensure their survival and well-being, taking extra precautions when cleaning a moon jellyfish aquarium is essential.

This includes testing the salinity and pH of the water before any setup or maintenance activities are implemented to avoid shock from sudden environmental changes.

Do they require an air pump and filters?

Setting up a tank and its ecosystem can be daunting for many first-time aquarium owners. Even more intimidating is the prospect of caring for one of the most popular aquatic pets: moon jellyfish. Do they require an air pump and filters?

In short, the answer is yes. As filter feeders, moon jellyfish rely on a steady flow of oxygenated water to survive. An air pump helps provide this by introducing tiny bubbles into the tank that help circulate and aerate the water, making it easier for them to breathe. This can also help keep their food circulating so they have easy access to it at all times.

Along with an air pump, moon jellyfish also need other forms of filtration, such as biological or chemical filters, which help remove debris and unwanted toxins from their environment.

Lighting For Aquarium

Aquarium rhopalia around the bell jellyfish species require precise light and dark cycles to function correctly. The moon jellyfish, also known as Aurelia aurita, is a species of cnidarian found in saltwater tanks. Aquarium owners need to understand how lighting affects their jellyfish and how best to provide them with the proper conditions for their growth and well-being.

Lighting for these species must be carefully monitored, as too much or too little light can harm them. A recommended light schedule would include 12 hours of bright lighting during the day and 12 hours of darkness at night. This should mimic natural daylight patterns to allow the moon jellyfish’s internal functions to depend daily on these light cycles.

Aquaria For Moon Jellyfish That Work Best (Commercial Aquariums)

Commercial aquaria offer many features that make caring for your pet moon jellyfish easy and enjoyable. Many of these tanks come equipped with pumps, filtration systems to keep the water clean and oxygenated, and lights that simulate natural sunlight. Some tanks may also feature acrylic panels around the edges of the tank to keep them contained safely within their walls.

Location of the Tank

If you’re looking to create an aquarium for moon jellyfish, it’s essential to pick the right tank so that your jellyfish will thrive. Here’s where to place the tank for the best results:

When selecting an aquarium for your moon jellyfish, ensure plenty of room between them and any other creatures. Since moon jellies are predatory animals, they should not be kept with other fish species or invertebrates like crabs or snails.

How many moon jellyfish should be housed in a gallon at once?

Housing moon jellyfish can be tricky for first-time aquarium hobbyists, as there are a number of factors to consider. When it comes to how many moon jellyfish should be housed in a gallon, the answer is largely dependent upon the size and shape of your tank.

Generally speaking, if you have a five-gallon tank, you can put three 2-inch diameter moon jellyfish in at once. If you want to keep more than that, then it’s recommended that you go up in size with your aquarium and buy a 10 or 20-gallon tank.

It is important to note that this guideline is only intended as an approximate estimate, as it’s also essential to factor in other variables such as water temperature, salinity levels, and oxygenation when determining how many fish should live together in one tank.

Condition of Water Quality

When adding moon jellyfish to an aquarium, it is recommended that a water quality test be done every few days until the parameters become stable. After this initial period, it should then be tested once per week.

Testing can involve taking readings of temperature, salinity, pH levels, oxygen saturation, and nitrate level, among other factors. It is also essential to ensure that toxins, such as ammonia or nitrites, have been completely removed from the tank before introducing new jellyfish specimens.

Parameters for Water Quality

Water quality is critical for keeping moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) healthy and happy in aquarium tanks. The ideal water parameters for this species of jellyfish should remain between 34 to 35 parts per thousand (ppt), with a pH level between 7.9 and 8.4. To maintain these levels, the tank’s weekly water changes should be monitored closely, as too little or too much can drastically increase stress on the jellies, leading to health issues.

The salinity of natural seawater ranges from 33-36 ppt, so it is important that the aquarium saltwater refill also remains within this range for optimal tank conditions.

What to do if the water quality is poor

Poor water quality can be a significant problem for marine life, especially moon jellyfish. These creatures rely on their environment to provide the proper nutrients and oxygen levels to survive. If water quality is poor, moon jellyfish are in danger of not thriving as normal.

The most important thing that must be done if the water quality is poor is testing it to determine what exactly is wrong with it. This includes checking the temperature, salinity, and pH levels and measuring the amount of waste or pollution in the water. Once these tests are complete, steps can be taken to improve water conditions so that moon jellyfish have an optimal environment for survival.

It’s also essential for people to take action to reduce sources of pollution that can affect local bodies of water and make sure they aren’t contributing negatively to its condition.

Avoid using tap water.

Tap water is not suitable for moon jellyfish at minimal concentrations. This is because the small amounts of minerals and metals in tap water can affect the jellyfish’s functions and cause health problems. Instead, mixed water or reverse osmosis filtered water should be used to ensure the concentration levels remain acceptable.

Mixed water contains a combination of saltwater and freshwater, while reverse osmosis filtered water has been stripped of all impurities like minerals, metals, chlorine, and other contaminants. Both types of water are low in mineral content and can help keep your jellyfish healthy and happy.

It’s important to remember that moon jellyfish need very specific environmental conditions to survive, so having the correct type of water with minimal concentrations is vital for their excellent health.

Using Filtered Water

It is essential for moon jellyfish owners to have the correct type of water in their tanks. To ensure the optimal health and safety of these creatures, only distilled or reverse-osmosis-filtered water should be used. Do not use spring water, purified water, mineral water, alkaline water, or any other type of substitute – as they can cause harm to your jellyfish. Even if you think the different types of water may be similar enough to use instead – that is not the case!

Reverse-osmosis (RO) filtration systems are considered one of the best ways to produce clean and healthy aquarium water. RO removes all contaminants, including chlorine, from tap water and creates a safe environment for your moon jellyfish.


The temperature for moon jellyfish can be tricky to keep in a home aquarium. Prefer water temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius (64-77 degrees Fahrenheit). Keeping to these exact temperature requirements is critical for their survival and growth. A slight variation in temperature outside of this range could lead to serious health problems for the jellyfish. Therefore, it is essential that the right kind of equipment is used to maintain the relevant temperatures.

Aquarium heaters are an ideal solution, allowing users to easily set a preferred temperature setting. For instance, if the room temperature fluctuates too much due to climate or season changes, using a heater helps maintain the recommended temperature range for moon jellyfish between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Salinity (Do Not Use Salt Crystals To Increase Salinity)

Moon jellyfish, one of the most popular species of jellyfish to keep in an aquarium, require a specific salinity level to thrive. The ideal salinity for moon jellyfish is between 1.022 and 1.024 SG (specific gravity), and maintaining this salinity is extremely important to their health and well-being. Unfortunately, many aquarists mistakenly use salt crystals to increase their tanks’ salinity; however, this should not be done.

Salt crystals are made up of sodium chloride, which will significantly increase sodium and chlorine levels when added directly into an aquarium tank filled with seawater. This can be dangerous for moon jellyfish since they cannot tolerate high concentrations of either element; furthermore, these crystals often contain harmful or toxic impurities.


Moon jellyfish are a popular and captivating ocean creature. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, making them attractive species in aquariums. Despite their popularity, understanding the optimal water parameters for moon jellyfish can be tricky.

Regarding hardness for moon jellyfish, Nitrate 10.0 ppm, Phosphate 2.0 ppm, Alkalinity 7.4 8.4 DkH, and pH 8.1 8.4 with Ammonia 0.0 ppm and Nitrite 0.05 ppm is recommended as the ideal range of hardness levels for moon jellyfish to thrive in captivity environments such as aquariums or tanks.

Ammonia, Nitrite, And Nitrate

Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate are the three critical components of the nitrogen cycle in aquariums. The nitrogen cycle is essential for maintaining healthy water parameters in any aquatic environment. This process involves transforming ammonia (NH3) and nitrites [NO2] into nitrates [No3].

In a properly functioning tank, this can be completed within several weeks. Unfortunately, there are times when levels of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate become too high,, leading to fish stress or death.

To prevent such occurrences, it is essential to regularly test your tank’s water and take corrective action if necessary. Over-feeding or inadequate filtration systems can cause high levels and will usually require a complete water change to reduce them back down to acceptable levels.


Proper care for these animals is necessary to ensure their health and survival, especially regarding pH levels. The water-gardening jellyfish must remain within the level age of 7.9 and 8.4 if they are to thrive in captivity.

Too low or too high of pH can decrease the overall activity of the jellyfish and affect its growth rate. Keeping up with regular water changes will help ideal levels while also helping to prevent any build-up of nitrates or ammonia, which can damage the delicate balance inside their tank environment.

Water Changing

Water is essential to a healthy aquatic environment, especially when maintaining the aquarium. Water changes can sometimes have unintended consequences. An increase in shifts, nitrite, nitrate levels, and a decrease in pH level are all associated with a pond water change.

When a tank is left un-maintained for too long, or the water has not been changed recently, there can be a significant stress on aquatic life from the build-up of toxic and minerals. In these cases, building upper from a 20% water change every week is improper, depending on essentials such as tank size, type of fish, and other living organisms. Doing this will help keep the environment healthier for your fish by decreasing ammonia levels which can be toxic if left unchecked.

Health Of The Moon Jellyfish

The most challenging aspect of keeping moon jellyfish is taking care of them because they are such delicate species that harm is relatively easy to come across—understanding the causes of your jellyfish’s illness as w—understanding safety measures.

Various Ways They Could Be Hurt

The health of the moon jellyfish is a cause for concern among many scientists due to their fragile nature and lack of protection. This secies is particularly susceptible to harm from its environment, and there are various ways they could be hurt if proper care is not taken.

Pollution can have adverse in various ways effects on these creatures; when toxins enter the ocean, it becomes harder for them to survive as they feed off contaminated plankton. In addition, moon jellyfish can become entangled in fishing nets or other debris, which can cause severe injury or death. Further still, some organisms—such as crabs and sea stars—prey upon them when given the opportunity. These factors contribute to their continued decline in numbers and adversely affect their health.

Moon Jellyfish Upside Down

Many people may have noticed that their moon jellyfish often swim upside-down for no apparent reason. While this behavior has confused some, there is a good explanation!
It turns out that swimming upside down is an entirely normal activity for moon jellies. The jellyfish commonly do this when they sense something in the water isn’t quite right – such as a temperature change or low oxygen levels. This reaction allows them to detect environmental problems so they can move away from danger if needed.

Diseases Of Moon Jellyfish

Tentacle Balls – Unhealthy

Tentacle Balls are a type of Moon Jellyfish, and while they may be beautiful to look at, they can also cause serious health issues. These jellyfish contain stinging cells called nematocysts, which can inject toxins into their prey or even humans who come in contact with them. Not only can these toxins cause skin irritation and burning, but it is possible for individuals to develop more severe reactions such as anaphylaxis or even death.

In addition to the dangers posed by the tentacles of Tentacle Balls, they have been found to carry several diseases. Some of these include Dermo disease, which affects the animal’s nervous system; White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), which attacks the immune system; and Bonamia ostreae infection, a parasite that damages oysters’ digestive systems.

Bell Eversion – Unhealthy

Bell eversion is an unhealthy process that occurs in moon jellyfish, a species. Bell eversion is a problem for moon jellyfish because it can cause diseases and, ultimately, death. In bell eversion, the bell or head of the jellyfish turns inside out. This exposes its internal organs to predators and increases its vulnerability to disease-causing organisms like bacteria and parasites.

When this happens, the internal organs of the jellyfish become exposed and can become infected with harmful bacteria, leading to diseases such as ulcerative lesions, granulomatous inflammation, and septicemia. These diseases can be life-threatening for these animals if left untreated. When their bell turns inside out, they are more vulnerable to predation from other organisms, which can further increase their risk of dying from these illnesses.

Flying Saucer Bells – Unhealthy

Flying saucer bells are not a healthy food choice for humans to make. The jellyfish has been linked to various diseases, including those caused by moon jellyfish. While they can be beautiful and hypnotic to watch, they can also cause several illnesses when consumed. Eating raw or undercooked moon jellyfish may lead to gastroenteritis, an infection that causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Toxins from the moon jellyfish can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and even lead to liver damage if consumed in high amounts.

Clear Open Bells – Healthy

Clear Open Bells Healthy is a health initiative dedicated to increasing public awareness of the diseases that affect moon jellyfish. Moon jellyfish are an integral part of oceans around the globe and provide essential services to marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to various diseases, some of which can be deadly if left untreated.

This campaign focuses on educating people about the symptoms and causes of these diseases to reduce their spread across the world’s oceans. By understanding the effects of these illnesses on moon jellyfish populations, we can help protect them from further decline due to disease-related mortality.

This campaign seeks to heighten awareness surrounding conservation efforts for these fascinating creatures. Through increased public knowledge, we hope that more people will get involved in preserving our precious oceanic life forms.

Bell Erosion & Tears– Unhealthy

Bell Erosion & Tears Unhealthy discusses the recent discovery of diseases in Moon Jellyfish. The phenomenon of bell erosion and tears has been recently observed in many species of Moon Jellyfish, indicating a decline in their health. Bell erosion is the gradual thinning or shrinking of the outer wall, while tears are small splits or cracks appearing throughout the jellyfish body. Both these problems can lead to significant damage and even death for Moon Jellyfish if left untreated.

The diseases responsible for causing these issues have not yet been identified but scientists suspect it could be due to a combination of environmental factors such as temperature and salinity changes, food shortages, and overcrowding. All these elements can weaken immune systems leaving them more vulnerable to diseases.

In aquariums, what kinds of fish may coexist with moon jellyfish?

None. The moon jellyfish is incompatible with other aquatic creatures.

Predators of moon jellyfish

The Moon Jellyfish, [phacellophora camtschatica], is a species of jellyfish that can be found in oceans all around the world. It is a common sight along shorelines and coral reefs, with its bell-shaped body and four horseshoe-shaped gonads visible from beneath. This species of jellyfish are preyed upon by several predators, including the Leatherback Sea Turtle, Fried Egg Jellyfish or Egg York Hydrozoan Jellyfish, and the Mola Mola Ocean Sunfish.

The Leatherback Sea Turtle has been known to feed on moon jellyfish, often preying on them while they’re still immature. They will also consume other small sea animals, such as shrimp and crabs but prefer to target jellies as they make up most of their diet.

Related Questions

Can You Touch A Jellyfish?

The short answer is no. Jellyfish are invertebrates with a gelatinous body structure and lack bones or other hard structures. They can be found in oceans, lakes, and rivers worldwide; some species live in shallow parts of the sea.

Touching jellyfish can be dangerous for humans as their tentacles are covered with stinging cells called cnidocytes, which contain venom used to stun prey or ward off predators. Contact with human skin can cause reactions ranging from mild skin irritation to serious health concerns such as anaphylaxis requiring medical attention. It’s best to admire jellyfish from afar!

Are Jellyfish Legal To Own?

The answer is yes, with certain restrictions. In the United States, it is generally accepted that you can keep jellyfish in your home aquarium.

Can Jellyfish Be Kept In An Aquarium?

Yes, jellyfish can be kept in an aquarium.

Are Moon Jellyfish Easy To Care For?

Well-known for being challenging to maintain, jellyfish. Due to their sensitive nature, even a slight temperature fluctuation might be fatal to them.


In conclusion, Moon Jellyfish is a fascinating and exotic pet that can provide hours of entertainment. They require great care, but once everything is in place, you will find a happy, healthy jellyfish swimming around your tank.

Moon Jellyfish are excellent beginner pets, suitable for adults and children. Always research thoroughly before bringing any animal home, and if you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health, consult a qualified veterinarian.

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