Orange Back Fairy Wrasse Care ( A Fairy In The Fish World )

The Orange Back Fairy Wrasse is an exotic and colorful fish that adds a unique look to any home aquarium. This small, active wrasse is native to the waters of the Pacific Ocean, its bright orange and purple hues are made up of several different species — making it a truly remarkable fish.

Not only are these fish beautiful, but they’re also relatively easy to care for with proper setup. They’re incredibly hardy, tolerant of varying water parameters, and have an omnivorous diet that includes live foods as well as frozen or prepared fare. The Orange Back Fairy Wrasses can reach lengths up to 4 inches in adulthood which makes them ideal for tanks 30 gallons or larger. It’s important to note that these fish should be kept singly unless housed in pairs in order to prevent aggression between males vying for territory and dominance.

Orange Back Fairy Wrasse Care

How Big Do Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Get?

How big do orange back fairy-wrasse get? The average size for an adult male orange back fairy-wrasse ranges between 4 to 5 inches long. Although they may appear small, they can still grow quite large when given enough space, reaching up to 8 inches in length.

Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, growing up to 3 or 4 inches long. Despite their smaller size though, females still possess the same vivid colorings as males and can add a lot of life and beauty to any tank environment.

Is the aggressive Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse?

Aggressive behavior can vary among individual specimens, but generally speaking, the Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse is not particularly aggressive when compared to other species of fish. They may nip at other tank mates or compete for food, but their behavior should be considered mild in comparison.

Furthermore, if given enough space and hiding spots in the tank, they will usually stay away from each other and not cause too much trouble.

Orange Back Fairy Wrasse Care

The behavior of Orange-Back Fairy-Wrasse

The behavior of these wrasses has proven to be quite fascinating when observed in their natural environment. In the wild, it is common for Orange-Back Fairy-Wrasse to travel in schools of several females with one male leading them. While this species generally prefers being in groups, they can live alone if necessary.

When considering an aquarium habitat for an Orange-Back Fairy-Wrasse, many hobbyists opt for setting up a tank with at least one male and several female wrasses as this creates an optimal environment that mimics their natural habitat while providing plenty of opportunity for social interaction and activity.

What Is the Lifespan of Orange Back Fairy-Wrasses?

Not much is known about the lifespan of these colorful fish in captivity or in their natural habitat. In general, orange-back fairy wrasses can be expected to live for a period of 5 to 8 years in captivity when provided with an adequate environment. As with any other animal species, however, the longevity of these fish depends largely on the conditions of their environment and the levels of care they receive from their owner.

Orange Back Fairy-Wrasses

Proper diet and nutrition are key factors that contribute to a healthy and long life for Orange Back Fairy Wrasses. Additionally, providing them with good water quality will help ensure they stay healthy throughout their lives.

Care for Orange-Back Fairy-Wrasse

Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Size

The Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse is a small size fish, growing to only three to six inches in length. This brightly colored fish is a popular addition to home aquariums. With its slender body and bright colors, it adds a lot of beauty to the aquarium.

This species of small fish has an orange back with blue and yellow stripes along the body. The fins are all yellow while other markings such as spots can vary among individuals of this species. In some specimens, the coloration is more reddish-orange than in others, adding even more variation among individual specimens.

Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Tank Size

Introducing the Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse, a stunning and vibrant fish species that can be kept in an aquarium of 55 gallons. This species is known for its bright orange back, blue stripes across its body, and long sweeping finnage. The tank size should not exceed 55 gallons for the best environment for this fish to thrive. The ideal dimensions of the tank should be 48 inches long, 13 inches wide, and 21 inches tall which allows plenty of space for them to swim around freely and form territories within the tank.

Not only do these tanks provide ample room for swimming but it also gives them enough area to rest or sleep when needed. These fish are diurnal meaning they are most active during daylight hours but can also become shy if there isn’t enough space or hiding areas in their environment.

How many orange-back fairy fish should be housed together?

When it comes to housing orange-back fairy fish together, the size of the tank matters. In a tank that is 300 gallons or larger, these fish can live happily together unless there is an excess of males. It’s important to not overcrowd any aquarium, and when it comes to this particular species, a male/female pair should be housed in tanks smaller than 300 gallons. With too many males in one space, they may become stressed and potentially harm or kill each other.

Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse

Experts recommend having at least two female orange-back fairy fish for every male if planning on keeping multiple individuals in one tank. However, large tanks can house up to six or seven specimens as long as they have plenty of caves and hiding spots so all members have their own space away from each other when needed.

Tank Setup

When it comes to tank setup for orange-back fairy fish, the key is finding a balance between providing enough space for each fish and keeping overcrowding of the tank at bay. The size of your tank will determine how many orange-back fairy fish you can safely house in it. Generally speaking, one gallon of water should support one inch of fish. This means that if you have a 10-gallon tank, you can safely house up to 10 inches worth of orange-back fairy fish.

For the best results when it comes to setting up a successful home for your orange-back fairy fish, experts recommend that 4 gallons per every inch of length are ideal. So if you have an 8-inch long orange-back fairy fish, then you would need a 32-gallon tank for them to thrive in their environment.


For those looking to add this beautiful species to their aquatic habitat, it is important that the right filter system is chosen. An inadequate filter system can result in poor water quality which could compromise the health of both the fish and other inhabitants of the tank or pond.

When selecting a filter system for an orange-back fairy fish tank or pond, it’s important to choose one that will maintain good water quality while providing plenty of oxygen circulation throughout the tank.


The substrate provides the foundation upon which all aquatic life forms can find sustenance and shelter. For the orange-back fairy fish, it means much more than just a surface on which to explore or hide. These little creatures require a specific type of substrate to thrive: fine sand or gravel with plenty of hiding places amongst rocks and plants.

This helps the fairy fish feel secure while roaming around your aquarium, as they have an instinctive need for protection from predators like crabs and other large fishes. The substrate should be cleaned regularly in order to remove waste products, as these can become toxic if not disposed of properly over time.


Decorating the home can be a fun and creative experience. It can also be a great way to brighten up any room and breathe new life into it. One of the most popular types of decorations recently has been orange-back fairy fish.

These beautiful creatures come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and make great eye-catching additions to any home décor scheme. These small fish are perfect for aquariums or as small free-standing sculptures around the home, adding an interesting touch to any corner of your house.

They are low maintenance but do need to be looked after in order to keep them healthy and colorful – making them ideal for those who want something special without too much effort.

The plants for the aquarium should be carefully chosen because the tank for the Orange back fairy wrasse is a saltwater tank. Red Gracilaria Algae, seaweed, and kelp are some suitable saltwater plants.

Halimeda, Green Finger Plant (Codium Spongiosum), Tufted Joint Algae (Cymopolia Barbata), Sea Lettuce (Ulva Lactuca), and Red Mangrove Propagule (Rhizophora Mangle).


Lighting is a key factor in maintaining a healthy environment for orange-back fairy fish. Their natural habitat is heavily dependent on the right amount of light penetrating through the murky waters they inhabit. In captivity, replicating these conditions is essential for their well-being, as it helps them stay active and healthy while also providing them with an aesthetically pleasing environment to swim around in.

Proper lighting can be provided by using LED aquarium lights that mimic natural sunlight or fluorescent bulbs which produce ultraviolet light rays needed by many aquatic plants and animals.

Water Quality Condition

Water quality is essential for the survival of fish and corals in our aquariums. The condition 12 dKH (degrees of carbonate hardness) is a measure of the alkalinity or the amount of buffering capacity within the water. It is important to ensure that this parameter remains within the correct range for both orange-back fairy wrasse and coral reefs, as any deviation can have a negative impact on their health.

For orange-back fairy wrasse, it is optimal to maintain a pH range between 8 and 8.4, as outside this range they may experience stress or even death due to changes in water chemistry. Similarly, coral reefs require a slightly higher pH range, between 8.2 and 8.

Breeding of Orange-Back Fairy-Wrasse

Identification Of The Male Or Female Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse

It has an unmistakable orange stripe running down its back, which gives it its name. In addition to their bright colors, these fish have a remarkable social behavior that sets them apart from other species of wrasse.

However, one challenge many marine aquarium enthusiasts face is correctly identifying the gender of the Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse. With some knowledge and experience, however, it can be relatively easy to distinguish between males and females of this species.

Unlike many other species of wrasse, male and female Orange Back Fairy-Wrasses have very similar appearances when young. As they grow older though, differences in size become more apparent with males typically growing up to three inches larger than their female counterparts.

Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Breeding

Orange back fairy-wrasse breeding is an exciting activity that marine aquarium hobbyists love to do. This saltwater fish is native to the tropical Indo-Pacific region and inhabits shallow waters close to coral reefs. It has a bright orange body with electric blue stripes, making it a popular choice for aquariums due to its eye-catching color.

Breeding this species of fish can be rewarding for experienced aquarists who are familiar with the necessary conditions and care requirements associated with saltwater fish. To successfully breed orange back fairy wrasses, a tank should be set up with plenty of live rock for them to hide in as well as feed on small invertebrates living in the rock’s crevices. The water temperature should range between 72°F – 78°F and have a gravity between 1.022 – 1.025; pH 8.


The Orange Back Fairy-wrasse is a vibrant and uniquely colored fish found around the world in tropical waters. It has become increasingly popular to breed this species of fish, but recent research has shown that their populations are at risk of developing fatal diseases.

Experts warn that the diseases can be caused by a range of factors, such as poor water quality, overcrowding, and inadequate nutrition. In some cases, the disease can even be passed from infected individuals to healthy ones through contact or shared water sources. Breeding these fish in captivity increases the chance of disease due to being kept in small tanks with limited space and resources.

Additionally, if breeders do not practice proper quarantine procedures for new specimens introduced into existing colonies, it can lead to an outbreak of deadly parasites and bacteria among their fish.

Fin Rot

Fin Rot is a common health issue in aquariums, particularly among fish species that have longer fins like the Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse. This disease is caused by bacteria or fungi which can lead to the deterioration of the fins and tail, leaving them frayed and discolored. To prevent Fin Rot from occurring in Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse breeding tanks, proper hygiene measures must be taken.

The first step is to keep water quality high, as poor water conditions are often responsible for the spread of this bacterial infection. This includes changing out 25-50% of tank water weekly and regular monitoring of nitrogen levels. Additionally, all live foods should be frozen before feeding to reduce any risk of introducing outside contaminants into the tank.

Pop Eye

Pop Eye is a phenomenon that occurs when breeding Orange Back Fairy-Wrasses. This eye-catching species of fish, which is found in the reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, can often display signs of Pop Eye during their mating season.

Pop Eye is defined as a condition where one or both eyes swell up due to increased pressure inside the eye socket. It’s believed that this condition is caused by increased water temperature and possibly stress from competing males during mating season.

The symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the condition but generally include swelling around one or both eyes, cloudy vision, and even blindness in some cases. The good news is that if caught early enough, it can be treated with antibiotics and other supportive treatments such as maintaining proper water conditions for the fish.

White Spot (Ich)

White spot (Ich) is a parasitic infection that can affect much marine fish, including the Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse. The protozoan parasite Cryptocaryon irritant is responsible for this condition, and it can be fatal if left untreated. As a result, it’s important to keep an eye out for white spots on these fish if they are kept in captivity or bred in aquaria.

The symptoms of White Spots include small white spots that appear on the skin of affected fish. The infected areas will turn red or black as the parasites feed off their host, which can lead to stress and discomfort in fish. If detected early enough, however, it is possible to treat White Spots with certain medications or quarantine treatments that may help eradicate the infection.

The feeding habits of orange-backed fairy-wrasse

What Do They Eat

What do these beautiful creatures actually eat? This type of wrasse feeds primarily on small invertebrates such as copepods, amphipods, polychaetes, and other crustaceans found in the coral reef ecosystem.

They also feed on algae and small benthic organisms. They have been known to exhibit cooperative feeding behavior with other wrasse species when hunting for food.

In an aquarium setting, orange-backed fairy-wrasse can thrive on most standard flake foods or frozen seafood diets specifically designed for saltwater fish.

How Often Should You Feed

Feeding your orange-backed fairy-wrasse is an important part of maintaining their health and well-being. To ensure your fish are getting the right nutrition, it’s important to know how often to feed them.

Generally speaking, it’s recommended that you feed five to six times a day in small quantities. This is especially true for the orange-backed fairy-wrasse, which needs frequent meals throughout the day.
To provide the best care for your fish, experts suggest offering pallets and flakes three times a day. To make sure they have access to all the nutrients they need, including some frozen or live food in their diet as well.

This could be brine shrimp, bloodworms, or other suitable foods from pet stores or online retailers. You can also give vegetables such as mashed peas and blanched lettuce for variety.

The Best Time to Feed

When it comes to feeding your orange-backed fairy wrasse, timing is important. This species of fish is active during the day and loves to eat in the daytime. If you feed them too late in the evening or at night, they won’t have much time to digest their meal. As a result, they may end up not eating properly and having health problems down the line.

It’s best to feed your orange-backed fairy wrasse at least twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon – with each meal containing small amounts of food. This will ensure that they get enough nutrition while giving them adequate time to properly digest their meals.

Make sure you provide variety by giving them different types of food such as flakes, pellets, frozen foods, fresh vegetables, and live marine proteins like brine shrimp or bloodworms every now and then.

How much time they can go without eating

How long can it go without food? Scientists at the University of Queensland have recently discovered that this species may be able to survive up to 30 days with no food, making them one of the longest-fasting fishes studied so far.

The research team subjected each wrasse to a period of starvation for up to 30 days, after which they were weighed and their physiological changes monitored. They found that despite having such a short digestive tract and living in an environment where food availability is variable, wrasses were able to reduce their body mass by up to 25% and still remain healthy – thanks in part to their ability to store energy from previous meals.

Which fish may coexist peacefully with orange-back fairy wrasse?

Orange-backed fairy wrasse is small, colorful fish that make popular additions to saltwater aquariums. In order for their tanks to remain healthy and balanced, owners must be aware of which other fish may coexist peacefully with the orange-backed fairy wrasse.

Frogspawn corals, damsels, gobies, blennies, pygmy angels, and cardinals can all live harmoniously with the orange-backed fairy wrasse in a saltwater aquarium. While they may not always get along with each other perfectly from time to time there is no need for alarm as these species usually just work out their differences without long-lasting harm being done.


In conclusion, the Orange Back Fairy Wrasse is a beautiful and vibrant species of fish that makes for a great addition to any saltwater tank. This species requires special care to stay healthy, but with proper tank conditions, diet, and maintenance of the tank, these fish can live up to 8 years in captivity. It is important to remember that these fish need plenty of live rock and other hiding places in order to thrive and feel secure.

Related Questions

Is Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Aggressive?

No, They are peaceful animals that are not aggressive.

How Big Do Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Get?

The maximum length of this species reaches 3-6 inches, making them relatively small fish when compared to some other larger species found in the wild. They are peaceful and hardy and capable of living for 6 years or more when kept in good condition.

They don’t require much maintenance beyond their normal diet, which should include frozen foods such as brine shrimp or Mysis shrimp along with algae tablets or spirulina flakes.

Can Orange Back Fairy-Wrasse Live In A Pond?

Yes, orange back fairy-wrasse can live in a pond – but only if the environmental conditions are suitable. This species of fish is native to the waters of Australia and New Zealand and prefers a marine environment with plenty of coral reef areas, shallow lagoons, and rocky outcrops for caves.

The primary requirement for an orange back fairy-wrasse inhabiting a pond is that the water must be clean, with temperatures between 68°F (20°C) to 77°F (25°C). The pH level should be between 8.0 and 8.4, while salinity should range from 1.020 to 1.025 parts per thousand (ppt). Additionally, it needs plenty of hiding places along with ample space for swimming as these fish are highly active swimmers.

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