How to Stop Guppy from Breeding (Easier than you thought)

If you have a guppy in your home aquarium, you may wonder how to stop guppy them from breeding. Fortunately, preventing guppies from reproducing can be much simpler than you thought! This article will provide detailed instructions on how to stop guppy fish from breeding.

Several methods exist, from changing their living environment to considering other fish tank mates. Follow along and learn how to prevent your guppies from overpopulating the tank!

How to Stop Guppy from Breeding (Easier than you thought)

How do Guppies Breed?

Guppies mate internally, unlike most fish species that use an external fertilization process. The male guppy will rub his body along the female’s belly to stimulate her to release eggs, which he then fertilizes inside her body.

After a gestation period of 3-4 weeks, depending on water temperature and other conditions in the tank, the female will give birth to live baby guppies called fry. She can produce up to 100 fries at once! Guppy fry matures quickly and can begin breeding within eight weeks of birth.

How long do Guppies Live?

The answer depends on various factors, including water quality, diet, and tank size. Wild guppies generally have an average lifespan of 2-3 years, while domesticated varieties can live up to 5 or even six years. If given proper care and the right environment, some guppies may survive longer than their typical lifespan!

How old can Guppies get Pregnant?

In general, guppies don’t live very long—about two years in most cases—so there is usually no need for concern about older females becoming pregnant too often. But it does happen; female guppies will generally reach sexual maturity by six months of age and can become pregnant soon after.

How many times can a Guppy get Pregnant?

Guppy pregnancies typically last about four weeks, with the female giving birth to up to 100 live fries (baby guppies). Interestingly, these tiny creatures can become pregnant multiple times throughout their lifespan.

 Female guppies have been known to store sperm from males they mated with earlier and can become pregnant again when ready – even if no male is present! This process is called superfetation, which allows them to reproduce multiple times during their short lifespans (typically one year or less).

Do Guppies Breed Fast?

 The answer is yes. Guppies are one of the few species that can give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. This process is called viviparity, and it helps guppies reproduce quickly. They can produce between 10-100 offspring in a single season, depending on environmental conditions!

 Additionally, female guppies become sexually mature at just 2-3 months old and males at one month old—so their reproductive cycle is rapid from the beginning.

How to Stop Guppy from Breeding?

If you must correctly manage your guppy population, it’s easy for them to overpopulate your tank quickly. To ensure that your tank remains balanced and healthy for all its inhabitants, it’s essential to understand how to prevent guppies from breeding.

Get rid of male guppies

The most effective way to stop your guppies from breeding is by removing the male fish from the tank. Male guppies have a distinct physical appearance that makes them easy to distinguish from female fish: they have longer fins and more vibrant colors.

To get rid of these males, remove any males with particularly long fins or bright colors in your tank, separate them into another container, or give them away.

Get rid of the female guppies

Another effective way to stop guppy breeding is removing female fish from the tank. Female guppies usually carry more fry than males do, so if you want to limit the number of fry in your aquarium, get rid of all female guppies except for one or two breeding pairs that will be replaced often.

Limit feeding them

This means providing just enough food for them to remain healthy but not breed excessively. Hobbyists should also pay attention to how much food they give at each feeding – too much will encourage producing behavior, while too little may cause stunted growth or even starvation.

The amount of food should be adjusted based on the size and number of guppies in the tank – smaller tanks requires less nourishment than larger ones with more guppies.

Keep your fish in a cooler tank

Change the water temperature of the tank. Guppies breed more in warm waters, so keeping the temperature of your tank below 70°F will discourage them from reproducing.

How to Stop Guppy from Breeding (Easier than you thought)

Guppy Male and Female Identification

Identifying male and female guppies is more straightforward than it may seem, although some subtle differences can require some practice.

One of the most noticeable differences between male and female guppies is the presence of a gonopodium in males, an elongated anal fin used for fertilization. This feature is not found in female guppies, making it easy to tell them apart.

 Additionally, male guppies are much more colorful than their female counterparts. While both sexes can display coloration, males tend to have brighter colors with larger patches or bands of color often absent from females.

How do you get rid of Baby Guppies?

It’s essential to find the right balance between your guppy population and the tank size, so if you’re finding it challenging to keep up with all those little critters, you’ll need to know how to get rid of them.

Let Nature take its Course

The simplest way is to let nature take its course. Most baby guppies won’t survive past their first few weeks due to predation from larger fish or inadequate food resources.

Sell them away

The most common way is to sell them away. You can advertise online or in pet stores and usually find someone willing to take them off your hands. This ensures the guppies have a safe place to thrive and grow with proper care from their new owners.

Give them away

 Give them to friends, family, or anyone interested in an aquarium. Giving the guppies away ensures they will continue having a happy and healthy home. They can avoid being put down or released into natural waterways where they may spread disease or compete with native fish species.

Do Guppies eat their Babies?

Guppies are live-bearing fish, meaning they give birth to already-developed fry instead of laying eggs like many other species. While some species of live-bearing fish have been known to exhibit cannibalistic behaviors towards their fry, guppies usually do not.

 Generally speaking, the chances of a female guppy eating her own young are low as long as she is given plenty of food and hiding places. When kept in overcrowded or poor-quality tanks with limited food sources, however, there is a risk that she might resort to eating her fry out of desperation for survival.

How to Stop Guppy from Breeding (Easier than you thought)

Can you Sterilize Guppy?

The best solution for controlling the population of guppies in an aquarium is to remove some of the adult fish and replace them with younger or less mature fish. This will decrease the number of breeding pairs, as older fish tend to be more prolific breeders than younger ones.

 To reduce their numbers further, it may be necessary to repeat this process periodically until you reach a desirable population level for your aquarium environment.


In conclusion, stopping guppies from breeding is much simpler than it may seem. With the proper methods and techniques, you can ensure that your tank will stay balanced with fry. Since guppies are live bearers, reducing the number of males in the tank is key to preventing reproduction, as they are responsible for impregnating the females.

The addition of plants can also be beneficial in stopping guppy breeding, as it provides cover where fry can hide and reduces aggression among fish.

Related Questions

How do I stop my fish from having babies?

You should separate the males and females to prevent your fish from having babies. If you have a tank with both sexes, consider removing some fish from another tank. You can also use birth control methods such as hormone injections or sterilization.

What can I do with unwanted guppies?

If you don’t want to keep the guppies, you could donate them to a local aquarium or pet store. Alternatively, you could give them away to a friend or neighbor interested in keeping fish. If neither option is available, it’s best to humanely euthanize the guppies yourself rather than release them into the wild.

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