Super Red Severums | You Can Afford This One |

Are you looking for a new pet fish that won’t break the bank? Super Red Severums could be the perfect option for you! These vibrant and eye-catching fish can be found in many aquariums worldwide.

With a relatively low cost, these fish are an excellent choice for aquarium enthusiasts. Not only do they add color and movement to their environment, but they also have a peaceful temperament which makes them a great addition to any tank.

Super Red Severums

What Are Super Red Severums?

Super Red Severums are South American cichlid fish that have become popular in the aquarium hobby. Native to the Amazon basin, they are renowned for their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. They can grow up to six inches in length and generally live for 8-10 years when kept in an appropriate environment.

These fish have iridescent colors ranging from silver to deep red due to a layer of reflective scales on their body. Super Red Severums also possess two pairs of long barbels on their snout, which helps them find food items in sand or mud.

How Big do Super Red Severums Get?

On average, adult Super Red Severums reach around 7 inches (20 cm) in length when fully grown. However, this is slightly larger than the average size of most cichlids; some individuals may even grow up to 8 inches (22 cm).

Their size depends on the care they receive in captivity and the food they consume. For example, providing them with high-quality, nutritionally balanced food can help them reach their maximum size potential more quickly.

Super Red Severum’s Behaviour

In the wild, these fish live in large groups and prefer areas with a sandy substrate at the bottom of the tank. In captivity, they should be housed with other semi-aggressive species, such as angelfish or discus fish with similar water parameters.

They are occasionally territorial, so it is essential to provide plenty of hiding places within your aquarium setup for all inhabitants to feel secure.

How Long Does Super Red Severums Live?

On average, Super Red Severums usually live up to 8-10 years. This is far longer than many other species of fish commonly found in home aquariums.

To help extend their lifespan even further, be sure to provide them with plenty of clean water and proper nutrition, such as a variety of frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Ensure your tank is free from parasites or diseases that could shorten their lives – regular water changes will help keep it clean and healthy.

Super Red Severums care

Super Red Severums

Tank Size

Tank size recommendations vary between 50 to 100 gallons per Super Red Severum. It’s important to remember that these fish are social and need plenty of room to feel secure and establish a hierarchy. They also require plenty of open swimming space, so that a larger tank will benefit their health and well-being in the long run.

An aquarium with a minimum capacity of 50 gallons should be adequate for a single specimen. In comparison, two would need at least twice that amount—100 gallons or more—to provide enough territory for both animals.

How Many Should Super Red Severums Be Kept Together?

The answer isn’t so straightforward. It all depends on the size of your tank and the number of Super Reds you wish to keep in it.

Experts recommend that one Super Red Severum be kept per 50 gallons (or 190 liters) of water. This way, they have enough space for swimming and living comfortably without feeling cramped or overcrowded. If you have a smaller tank than this, however, then it’s best if you stick with just one fish instead of multiple ones.

Tank Setup

prefer warm water temperatures and plenty of swimming space. They enjoy tanks with lots of hiding places, such as plants and caves, to explore during the day. A well-established tank with good filtration is also key for keeping Super Red Severums healthy.

Additionally, these fish need plenty of hiding spaces to feel secure in their environment – be sure to provide plenty of rocks or driftwood they can use as hiding spots! Lastly, giving them enough room to swim freely is important – a 100-gallon tank is recommended if you plan to have multiple Super Red Severums in your tank.

Water Quality Condition

To keep Super Red Severums healthy, it is important to maintain good water quality conditions in the tank. To do this, you should have a good filtration system and regularly monitor the water chemistry levels, such as ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.

You should ensure that the pH balance of your tank is between 6 and 8.5 for optimal results. It is also important to keep up with regular water changes so that your Super Reds stay healthy and can display their stunning colors.

Super Red Severums Breeding

Male Or Female Identification

Breeding Super Red Severums is an excellent way for fish hobbyists to add vibrant color and energy to their aquariums. But when it comes to identifying the gender of these energetic fish, hobbyists often have difficulty. Knowing the sex of your Super Red Severum can be an important factor when considering breeding them in captivity.

For starters, male Super Red Severums are typically more extensive and colorful than their female counterparts; males may also develop pointed dorsal fins, while females generally remain rounded.

Furthermore, the male’s anal fin will extend with two filaments at its end; this feature is not present in female specimens.

Remember that these features can vary depending on diet and environment, so multiple physical traits should be considered before deciding on gender identification.

Identify Pregnant Fish

You were identifying a pregnant female means that during the spawning season, you can separate them from the males to ensure successful fertilization and hatching of eggs. Breeding Super Red Severums is possible with patience, care, and knowledge of correctly identifying a gravid female fish.

Before attempting to breed Super Red Severums, hobbyists must understand the signs that indicate when a female may be gravid or ready to spawn.

Super Red Severums Breeding

If you’re looking to breed Super Red Severums, there are a few steps you must take

Super Red Severums Breeding

Step 1: Purchasing a Juvenile Pair

If you’re looking to breed Super Red Severums, there are a few steps you must take. The first step is purchasing a juvenile pair of Super Red Severums. These juveniles should be healthy and not show any signs of disease or infection. When buying the fish, ensure they have been raised together since birth, increasing their chances of bonding.

Step 2:Tank and Water Conditions

Setting up the aquarium for breeding before introducing the pair is important. Make sure it’s larger than 30 gallons and has plenty of swimming space, hiding spaces, and plants for them to use for spawning activities. Include filtration systems that can keep the water clean and free from toxins; if the water is unclean, the fry could suffer from infections or diseases later in life.

Step 3: Give Them Time.

It’s important to give them time to get involved in their reproductive behavior, so they can connect naturally before attempting a breeding program.

How Many Babies do Super Red Severums Have?

The number of eggs these fish lay can vary depending on the size, age, health, and water quality. Generally speaking, however, each female can lay between 600–1000 eggs per breeding season.

After mating with a male Super Red Severum, the fertilized eggs will be attached to stones or plants near the bottom of the tank, where they will hatch within 5-7 days.

The hatchlings will remain close to these surfaces until they are large enough to swim freely around the tank.

Super Red Severums Fry Care

Super Red Severums possess a fascinating trait, as the parent fish will keep their babies in their mouths once they hatch out of their eggs.

This trait is known as mouth brooding, which is why these fish are so popular with aquarists looking to breed and raise their fry.

Feeding Behavior of Super Red Severums

Super Red Severums are omnivores in their natural habitat who mainly feed on small invertebrates, such as worms and insects, along with plant matter. In an aquarium setting, they should be provided with various foods to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients they need for growth and health.

How Often Should you Feed

The recommended feeding schedule for Super Red Severums is twice daily, in the morning and mid-afternoon. A pellet or flake should be given at each feeding, with frozen foods like blood worms, brine shrimp, or daphnia offered twice weekly. As they are omnivorous fish, they may also scavenge the bottom of the tank, looking for any uneaten food or organic material.

It’s important to note that overfeeding can lead to water quality issues and health problems such as bloating or fatty liver disease in Super Red Severums.

How Long They go Without Food?

When given the right conditions, Super Red Severums can go quite a while without being fed. They can survive up to two weeks or more without food.

It’s still important to feed them on a regular basis, though, as going too long between meals can decrease their appetite and result in nutrient deficiencies. A good rule of thumb is to offer smaller meals three times per week, with occasional fasting every few weeks or so if desired by the owner.

What Fish Can Live with Super Red Severums?

The answer mainly depends on the size. The Super Red Severum grows to 8″ long, so any tankmates should be smaller than that. Other peaceful South American cichlids, such as angelfish and Bolivian Rams, are perfect companions for the Super Red Severum.

Avoid keeping large cichlids such as Jack Dempseys or Oscars as they usually try to dominate the aquarium space and could even harm the Severums.

Peaceful schooling fish like tetras, barbs, and danios make good tankmates for the Super Red Severum.

Super Red Severums

Is Super Red Severums aggressive?

The answer is both yes and no. Super Red Severums can be very territorial when it comes to other fish in their tank, but they rarely become aggressive towards humans or other animals around them. Instead, they prefer to interact with humans by swimming closer to the tank’s surface whenever someone passes by – making it easy to observe and feed them.

While they may still fight amongst themselves for territory or food sources, these disputes usually don’t reach extreme levels of aggression. That said, if two males are placed together in a single tank, fights can become more severe due to competition for dominance within the group hierarchy.


In conclusion, Super Red Severums are an exciting and unique species of fish that can be an excellent addition to any aquarium. They are hardy, easy to care for and bring color and life to any tank. While they may not be the most active fish, they have beautiful coloring and strong personality that makes them stand out from the crowd.

An aquarium owner should consider all these factors when deciding whether or not to add a Super Red Severum to their tank.

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