Umbee Cichlid Care | Elegant and Fierce Fish for your Tank |

The Umbee cichlid is a beautiful, fascinating fish that can be an enjoyable addition to any aquarium. Umbee Cichlid Care is relatively simple, but there are some essential details to consider before bringing this fish home. This article will discuss the basic requirements for keeping an Umbee cichlid as healthy and happy as possible, including tank size and maintenance, water parameters, diet, and tankmates.

Umbee Cichlid fish

The Umbee Cichlid fish, also known as the Uaru Amphiacanthoides, is one of the most popular aquarium fish species. It is endemic to tributaries of the Amazon River and is easily recognized by its bright coloring and unique patterning. This tropical fish species has quickly become a favorite among aquarists due to its hardiness in captivity and ability to thrive in various water parameters.

The Umbee Cichlid has a flat body with an oval shape. Its unique coloration consists of a metallic sheen that changes from gold-green at the top, to yellow-orange at the bottom, with dotted black markings across its back.

Umbee Cichlid Care | Elegant and Fierce Fish for your Tank |

How big do Umbee Cichlid get?

On average, these cichlids can grow up to 8-10 inches in length when fully grown. They are relatively large compared to other species of cichlids and have an impressive lifespan of 10-15 years. The size and lifespan of these fish make them perfect for aquariums, with plenty of room for swimming and hiding spaces for them to feel comfortable.

Is Umbee Cichlid Aggressive?

Before deciding whether or not to add an Umbee Cichlid to your tank, it’s essential to understand their natural behavior. The fish are known for being territorial and will typically act aggressively towards other tank mates unless kept with similar-sized cichlids of the same species.

They may even attack species that look similar or have similar care requirements. To ensure a peaceful environment in your aquarium, it’s best to limit each type of cichlid you keep to one specimen per tank when possible.

Umbee Cichlid Behavior

The Umbee Cichlid is a territorial species that needs plenty of space to roam and establish its area. This means they can be intolerant of other species if their boundaries aren’t respected. They thrive best when they are kept alone or in small groups with other cichlids of similar size and temperament.

It’s essential to provide plenty of hiding spots so they can feel secure while exploring their environment.

When housed in the right conditions, these active fish often display behaviors such as digging up substrates with their mouths and engaging in active courtship rituals with potential mates.

How long do Umbee Cichlids live?

With proper care and nutrition, the lifespan of an Umbee cichlid can range from seven to ten years. This makes them one of the longer-lived freshwater fish available today, which is excellent news if you are looking for a companion who will stick by your side for many years to come!

One look care guide

Scientific nameKronoheros umbriferus
Common nameUmbee
Turquoise Cichlid
Blue-Freckled Cichlid
Care LevelIntermediate to difficult
Native toSouth America
ColorBlack and Brown with identical blue spots
Preferred salinityFreshwater fish
Other water parameterspH:7.1 to 8.0
Ammonia :  0-0.2 mg/L
Nitrite:  0-0.2 mg/L
Preferred temperature72-80°F (22-27°C)
SizeAdult male:24 inches
Adult Female:18 inches
Tank size150 gallons for adult50 gallons tanks as grow-up tanks
Growth rateFast
Preferred foodLive fish food,
Dry or frozen foods
Recommended tank matesNot compatible with many.
Scavengers and large catfish species may do well
Feeding frequencyTwice a day for juveniles (less than 6 inches) and Once a day for adults
BreedingCan do breeding in captivity. Females lay 100-2000 eggs, and males fertilize them.

Umbee Cichlid Care

Tank Size

When choosing the right tank size for an Umbee Cichlid, it’s essential to consider its full adult size. These fish can reach up to 7 inches in length in captivity, requiring at least a 55-gallon aquarium as adults.

 Furthermore, because of their dynamic behavior and aggression toward other fish species, they should be kept alone or in small groups in well-decorated tanks with plenty of rocks and hiding places. This will help create territorial boundaries for them to feel safe and secure.

Umbee Cichlid Care | Elegant and Fierce Fish for your Tank |

How many Umbee Cichlids should be kept together?

Regarding Umbee cichlid care, experts recommend keeping one male per every two females in the same tank. This allows enough space for them to establish their territories and helps reduce the chances of aggression between them. It’s also essential that each fish has plenty of swimming room; at least 15 gallons of water per adult fish is recommended. Keeping too many in the same tank can cause overcrowding and rising stress among the inhabitants.

Tank Setup

Umbee Cichlids are space-demanding fish, so ensuring their tank is cozy is critical.

When they are uncomfortable, they become anxious, which might compromise their immune system and make them more susceptible to illness.


When it comes to lighting, it’s best to provide your Umbee Cichlids with natural full-spectrum light bulbs with a Kelvin rating between 5500K – 6500K. This type of lighting will give your cichlids the closest thing to natural sunlight, which promotes good health in many aquatic species. If you can’t provide full-spectrum lights for your tank, then regular fluorescent or LED lights will work fine too.


Decorating your tank for Umbee cichlids does not have to be complicated or expensive. It will help if you use decorations that will make your tank look natural and provide spaces for hiding, such as rocks, driftwood, and plants.

 Not only will these items help keep your fish comfortable in their environment, but they can also provide a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant colors of the Umbee Cichlid.


The Umbee cichlid requires specialized care and tank setup, including combining soft gravel substrate to provide a comfortable habitat for these fish.

When setting up the aquarium, it is essential to install a canopy to help maintain water temperature and oxygen levels and protect the fish from potential predators. A substrate of fine sand or soft gravel should be added before adding any rocks or other decorations that will facilitate natural hiding spots and provide additional places for food to accumulate.

Water Quality Condition

Proper tank setup and water quality conditions should be considered when caring for this cichlid species.

The ideal pH level should be between 7.1 and 8.0, with a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-26 degrees Celsius). Additionally, it would be best if you aimed for a hardness level of 8-12 dGH (degrees General Hardness).

 It’s also essential to maintain low ammonia levels in their tanks – ideally at 0-0.2 mg/L for optimal health and well-being of your fish.

Filtration should be sufficient to remove debris from the water column and any excess food eaten immediately by the fish. In addition, nitrate concentration levels should be kept within a reasonable range by using weekly partial water changes or utilizing certain chemical media such as zeolite or denitrifying bacteria.

Umbee Cichlid Breeding

Umbee Cichlid male or female identification?

When breeding these fish, one of the most important steps is correctly identifying whether they are male or female. Males will typically display more intense coloration than females, and you can also place them by their larger size and modified dorsal fin that looks like an umbrella shape. Females may have a fuller body shape than males, though this can be difficult to distinguish in some cases without close observation.

Identify Pregnant Umbee Cichlid?

A pregnant female typically has a rounder body shape, and her abdomen appears more distended than usual. The gravid spot on the lower part of the belly will become darker as she matures and can help confirm that she carries eggs inside her body.

Umbee Cichlid Breeding

Introducing an alien male is one of the best methods to help your fish become ready for reproduction or enhance their already beautiful coloring. An alien male will introduce new genetics into your tank, which can help increase the brightening of the blue colors in your cichlids and encourage breeding activity.

When a male and female Umbee Cichlid are ready to breed, they will often clear off a flat surface together for their eggs. The female will lay up to 2000 eggs, which the male must then fertilize. The fertilized eggs should hatch within three days, and then it’s time for the parents to care for their young until they can survive independently.

The most important aspect of breeding Umbee Cichlids is providing them with the right environment and size tank; typically, a tank larger than 150 gallons will be needed, while 55-gallon tanks may be suitable when housing just one or two specimens.

After fertilizing the eggs, they must be carefully monitored, as it usually takes 72 hours before they hatch into fry (tiny baby fish). The water temperature should remain consistent during this time to ensure successful hatching.

Umbee Cichlid Fry Care

The aquarist must employ several strategies to care for this fry properly.

These fries require well-oxygenated water with a sponge filter installed to provide oxygenation and filtration. Other necessary supplies include a heater, thermometer, and suitable substrate for hiding places. The fry should be fed with a small starter designed explicitly for these cichlid fries as they will only eat food small enough to consume at such an early stage of life.

Special tips

Ich, bacterial infections, and parasites are the most frequent infections inflicted against Umbee Cichlids. Therefore, it is advised that new Umbee Cichlids, other fish, or decorative items be introduced using a suitable quarantine approach.

Umbee Cichlid Care | Elegant and Fierce Fish for your Tank |

Feeding Behavior of Umbee Cichlid

What do they eat?

In the wild, these piscivorous predators consume a variety of prey, including live insects, worms, crustaceans, and small fish. In the aquarium setting, it is essential to maintain a diet consisting mainly of meat-based foods like freeze-dried krill or shrimp pellets.

They will also consume live food such as blood worms, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and live fish. These cichlids can also consume freeze-dried or flake foods as part of their diet. While these foods may provide some nutritional value for the Umbee Cichlid, it is important to supplement them with live food sources to ensure proper nutrition and health. Live foods should make up most of their diet to give them the complete nutrition possible.

Most Umbee Cichlids consume their meals in about two to three minutes, which means they must be fed more often than other cichlids. It is important to provide them with a protein-rich diet to maintain their energy levels and remain healthy.

How often should you feed?

Typically these fish should be fed two to three times per day in small portions; each meal should consist of only what they can eat in under two minutes. It’s also important to recognize when your Umbees are full — if they stop eating after a few bites, then you know it’s best not to overfeed them. Feeding schedules may vary from fish to fish, so observing your pet when deciding how often you should feed them is important.

When should you feed (time of the day?)

The ideal time for feeding Umbee Cichlids is in the morning and then again in the evening. This allows them enough time during daylight hours to scavenge naturally for any extra food they may need while still providing them with essential nutrients at set times throughout the day. Feeding early in the morning gives them the energy to start their day, while late afternoon/early evening meals provide sustenance before nightfall.

How long can they go without food?

It’s important to note that the amount of time an Umbee Cichlid can go without food depends on several factors. These include the size of the individual fish, water temperature, composition, and other environmental conditions. In general, an adult Umbee Cichlid can go up to 2 weeks without food, while juveniles may only be able to last 3-4 days before they start showing signs of starvation.

What fish can live with Umbee Cichlid?

The Umbee cichlid is an aggressive fish that can be territorial, so it’s important to know what other fish can live with them in the same aquarium.

Fortunately, several species can coexist peacefully with Umbee Cichlids in the same tank. Barbs, giant danios, silver dollars, and other large fish make suitable companions in a community aquarium. Some smaller cichlids, like angelfish and dwarf cichlids, may also be compatible with Umbees if they are added to the tank first and allowed plenty of space to establish territories.


In conclusion, the Umbee Cichlid care is very easy and they are beautiful, elegant, and fierce fish that can be an exciting addition to any tank. It requires a more extensive home aquarium with plenty of hiding places and space for them to swim. They should be kept in groups of at least four and need food that contains protein, vegetables, and algae. Since they are naturally aggressive, it’s important to choose other tank inhabitants carefully so everyone can coexist peacefully.

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